The DIAN and NACC UDS Comparison Study

   Lead Investigator:    Virginia Buckles
   Institution      :    Washington University School of Medicine
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    541

Publications: 1 Buckles V, Xiong C, Weng HB, Bateman R, Chhatwal JP, Ghetti B, Goate A, Graff-Radford NR, Hassenstab J, Mayeux R, Masters C, McDade E, Moulder KL, Paumier K, Ringman JM, Salloway S, Schofield PW, Morris JC, the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network The Dian-NACC UDS Comparison Study: Rates of Cognitive Decline Abstract Alzheimers Dement,12:P309,2016,
2 Buckles VD, Xiong C, Bateman RJ, Allegri R, Benzinger TLS, Berman S, Cairns NJ, Chhatwal J, A D, Fagan AM, Ghetti B, Goate A, Graff-Radford N, Jassenstab J, Jucker M, Levin J, Marcus D, Martins R, Masters C, Mayeux R, McCue L, McDade E, Mori H, Moulder K, Paumier K, Ringman J, Rossor M, Salloway S, Schofield P, Morris JC Rates of Cognitive Decline in Dominantly Inherited Versus Sporadic Alzheimer Disease 2018 Journal Article Neurology ,

Proposal Description: